
Howard Twine

Howard Twine

Senior Product Manager, RabbitMQ @ Broadcom

Howard Twine is no stranger to technology, having held product management and senior strategic positions at many companies he has been instrumental in bringing some groundbreaking innovations to many industries. These include the first deployment of LTFS and leading automated playout technology to the broadcast & media industry.

Under his leadership as COO, he grew an unknown startup to become the most widely used, automated QC software app in Europe. He worked alongside industry bodies to define the format for file-based content delivery to broadcasters and streaming services across the globe.

Starting out as a product engineer he worked on many analogue to digital media transformation projects. It soon became apparent though that the software control aspect of this type of equipment was the future. This led to his involvement in the development of a suite of products for managing media including workflow automation tools that were all orchestrated together using RabbitMQ.


RabbitMQ Summit 2024
9:15 am

Beyond the Burrow: The Endurance of RabbitMQ

Estrel Hall C
Howard Twine
15 October
Time:  9:15 am - 10:05 am
Location:  Estrel Hall C
Speaker:  Howard Twine

RabbitMQ has been quietly revolutionizing industries across the globe for about 17 years.

The pace of digital transformation is relentless in many areas, RabbitMQ is no exception, in fact in many cases it is the enabling technology that drives this change. To this day it remains the most versatile, reliable and powerful messaging broker on the planet. Even better than all the marketing spin…..it’s free! But, how can an open source project like this remain free under the ever growing pressures from an expanding competitive landscape and increasing corporate demand?

Recent releases and the advent of RabbitMQ 4.0 gives an insight to the developments that continue to ensure that RabbitMQ remains relevant to the needs of today's technical users. However, is that enough? Can RabbitMQ survive the next 17 years on just development innovation?

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