
Nyior Clement

Nyior Clement

Developer Advocate @ CloudAMQP by 84codes

Nyior is a developer Advocate at 84codes the company behind CloudAMQP – Since joining the company, he has been constantly creating educational content around RabbitMQ, message queues in general and their practical application in distributed architectures.

Prior to 84codes, Nyior has also worked as a full-time Software Engineer.


RabbitMQ Summit 2024
12:00 am

Change Data Capture: A RabbitMQ and Debezium Approach

Estrel Hall C
Nyior Clement
15 October
Time:  12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location:  Estrel Hall C
Speaker:  Nyior Clement

Databases are introverted — they are designed to persist data comatosely, rather than spring into action. Data doesn’t create much value when motionless in a database. Most times, we’d want to extract and transform this data.

Traditionally, moving data between systems has been done via batch replication. But here is the catch: data is constantly changing, so keeping everything in sync with batch replication can feel like chasing a whirlwind. Data migration concerns aside, some scenarios require triggering actions like executing a stock trade based on database changes.

Change Data Capture(CDC) allows us to produce events from the changes to a data store as they happen. Consequently synching data sources or triggering actions based on database changes in real-time, for example. This talk will cover the intricacies of implementing CDC with RabbitMQ and Debezium — we will also run a demo CDC pipeline to demonstrate this concept.

Demonstrate how RabbitMQ can be used for CDC

Hopefully users that do not know they could use RabbitMQ for CDC

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